lunedì 27 agosto 2012

Champ... Mohawks... Alan Hawkshaw...

Another isolated sample for you... Champ By Mohawks!!! Mohawks was one of the bands of the legendary hammond player Alan Hawksahw... and this song contains the most famous organ riff in the History of Sampling... and don't miss the vocals... Champ!!!!!!

The original Sample...
"Mohawks - The Champ"

And this is one of the records that made this sample famous...
"Krs One - Step Into A World"

And This is The Isolated Samples...

Contacts, Info & Booking:

domenica 26 agosto 2012

Bob James... Mardi Gras... Isolated Parts...

This is the first episode of this blog.. and if you love make music with the samples as I do, you will understand what I'm giving you... one of the most incredible and famous break in 3 different versions...
The first one is the complete version.. the second is the isolated beat, and the third version is the isolated bells groove... what am i talking about? Mardi Gras from composer and keyboard Player Bob James (Bob James Wiki Bio) ... if you don't know this sample, listen to the first 30 seconds of the original song....

The record that made this sample very famous was Peter Piper by Run Dmc....

If You want to know why I've done this incredible isolation, You must know a story about this mighty record: "In the early 70's when Bob James "One" was recorded and released, CTI was starting to gain momentum and making some money. Creed Taylor decided to play a joke on Bob James when he was recording his second album titled "Two" - In Early March, Creed Taylor pressed up 4 copies of a 12 inch for "Mardi Gras" and had the tape running backwards on the track with the "bells" and pressed it on vinyl. The pressings arrived just before April 1st (fools day) and on April 1st, Bob James was called into Creed Taylors office to present the idea of making the "bells" go backwards and pitched the idea of the "space bells" at the beginning. Bob James was totally against it and fell for the joke until he realized it a was April fools. They both had a laugh and that was supposed to be the end of it.
At the record pressing plant in Venezuela, the person mastering the recording thought the bells going backwards in the left speaker was a possible mistake so he pressed up a "mono" version only recording the right side onto vinyl. (The side with no bells) 4 promos were pressed : 2 mono copies with no bells and 2 with the bells going backwards. Hand written on the "backwards bells" (or "spacebells") in marker read "bells"

Biz Markie got his hands on a copy of the backwards bells version (together with the CTI record case made of paper mache and contained a promo CTI chocolate bar (which Biz Markie already ate years ago) he doesn't mention this out of embarassment.

Biz noticed it had the word "bells" written on it in washable ink so he wiped off the word "bells" and now tells people he has a "bell less" version (which he does) but in what context he won't tell you. (And he didn't want to tell people he had a "backwards bell" version because he didn't want to be ridiculed so he only recorded the right side of the record (the side with no bells) and plays it in serato.

So Biz Markie owns one. where are the others? I have a copy and supposedly thes one has one. Rumor has it that Bob James (or Creed Taylor) himself dishwarped the other copies and uses them as ashtrays for guests. When Paul Simon (the original writer for this song) was asked about all of this

"bell less" hype, he just looked at us really strange and gave no comment."

That's the reason why I operated this incredible isolation. I want to make available not only the beat, but also the bells.. in High Quality... and the quality make the difference!!!!!!!!!

"Bob James - Mardi Gras (Reverse Bells Version)"

"Bob James - Mardi Gras (Biz Markie Plays No Bells Version)"

Biz Plays The version with no bells at 00,44

                                                    And here it is My present for you!!!!!


Info, Contacts & Booking:


Breaks & Beats!!!!

Hi... I'm Iceone from Roma (Italy)... I produce Hip Hop Beats and spin Hip Hop Records since 1982... This Blog is for the "original breaks" lovers!!!! This is something unique... I'll be giving you loops of your favourite breaks... original breaks and new undiscovered breaks..  but the best part is that I'll give all the parts of your favourite breaks and grooves isolated when it will be possible... You can use this resources as a dj, or producer... Do what you want, but remember to respect my infinte love for this music and respect my work...  respect the laws of your country about copyright and sample use or be smart and use your skills to make the samples unrecognizable!!!!! Enjoy, Share and Download!!!!
Best Regards from Boogie Down Roma!!!
If You have any professional request about sound isolation or my Dj sets contact: